Hello! My name is Alvina Gakhokidze, and I am a fourth-year electrical engineering student at the University of British Columbia. I chose to study electrical engineering because of the creative freedom that this field allows, and I hope this will be conveyed to you as you read through my projects below.
Below are the fundamental engineering classes I have taken so far:
- 4th Year Courses
- ELEC 491: Electrical Engineering Capstone Design Project
- ELEC 441: Control Systems
- ELEC 401: Analog CMOS Integrated Circuit Design
- ELEC 421: Digital Signal and Image Processing
- ELEC 391: Electrical Engineering Design Studio II
- ELEC 342: Electro-Mechanical Energy Conversion and Transmission
- ELEC 341: Systems and Control
- ELEC 301: Electronic Circuits
- ELEC 311: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
- STAT/ELEC 321: Stochastic Signals and Systems
- ELEC 291: Electrical Engineering Design Studio I
- CPEN 211: Computing Systems I
- ELEC 221: Signals and Systems
- ELEC 202: Circuit Analysis II
- ELEC 201: Circuit Analysis I
- CPSC 259: Data Structures and Algorithms for Electrical Engineers
- MATH 253: Multivariable Calculus
- MATH 256: Differential Equations